Publ: Development Blog

Entries tagged meta

New domain!

Posted Thursday, July 23 at 3:58 PM (3 years ago)

Since there’s now a lot more to PlaidWeb than just Publ, there is now a new organization website which will become the top-level home of these different things, which allows for better organization of this stuff to begin with.

While I’m still trying to work out how I’m going to organize things, my expectations are as follows:

  • The Publ documentation and demo site will live at
  • This dev/release blog will move to the main domain at some point
  • Elements which don’t have their own website will get a microsite on the main domain
  • Every incoming webmention that the old domain received will remain missing/broken in perpetuity (or at least until I get around to adding native webmentions to Publ)

Also, is intended to redirect over here, but it’s disappeared from my DNS host for some reason; it was actually this happening which inspired me to finally take this action. It seems to be a bug with how LiNode’s wildcard domains work, and I have an active support ticket open. Update: Turns out this was a subtle issue with how DNS wildcards work, which is explained below the cut.