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Entries tagged Pushl

Pushl v0.2.5 (not a joke!)

Posted Monday, April 1 at 11:29 AM (5 years ago)

I have released v0.2.5 of Pushl. The changes since v0.2.4:

  • Improved the logging levels a bunch, making them more useful
  • Added the ability to only send WebSub for feeds

The latter improvement makes it so that if your site is accessible from multiple URLs (e.g. http and https, or multiple domain names), it won’t send multiple Webmentions to everyone with each possible URL. This helps to cut down on spamminess to sites which don’t detect multi-origin pings (such as most IndieWeb blogs or

I also finally added a tools page to this website, to collect useful things that make Publ work better with other things. I also intend to add various useful quality-of-life things like an image cropping tool, and whatever else might occur to me down the road.

Someday I need to get around to making a proper “Features” page for this site, too. Someday…